Monk's Blend
High in anti-oxidants, this is one of our most flavorful black teas. The dramatic combination of vanilla and grenadine ensures a particularly satisfying cup.
HEALTH PROPERTIES: High in anti-oxidants
TEA SOURCING: Blended from Sri-Lankan black tea from the Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula and Uva regions.
ETHICS: Ethical Tea Partnership and GMO free
This blend includes a delicious mixture of grenadine and vanilla. It is said to have been first created by Tibetan monks. This tea, which was believed to be infused with universal life energy is a perfect all day treat; sweet and toasty with a touch of dryness and a subtle bouquet. Originally, it is believed that this blend was developed by the monks to support the work that they did by hand. Tea was an item that the monks considered good for the soul. Centuries later in Europe, Franciscan monks used to drink this tea to keep them awake during long periods of meditation. It is fair to say that this is an ancient and harmonious blend, and is also used by Buddhist and Taoist monks.
This Monk's Blend is produced using only use high grown teas from the top 3 tea growing regions of Sri Lanka - Nuwara Eliya, Dimbula and Uva. These regions produce flavorful teas with a classic 'Ceylon' character, noted by floral bouquet and flavor notes, touches of mild astringency, bright coppery color. The teas are purchased during the peak seasons throughout the year, allowing the very best blend to be created. Grenadine and Vanilla natural flavors are added, complementing the bouquet of the tea.
BREWING INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT TEA: Infuse one slightly heaping teaspoon for each 8 ounce cup with boiling water for 3-7 minutes.
Infuse 6 slightly heaping teaspoons of tea with 1 1/4 cups of boiling water for 5 minutes. Quarter fill a serving pitcher with cold water, and add the infused tea, straining the leaves, to the pitcher. Add ice and top-up the pitcher with cold water. Add lemon and sweeten to taste. A rule of thumb when preparing fresh brewed iced tea is to increase the strength of hot tea since it will be poured over ice and diluted with cold water.
Infuse 1 slightly heaping teaspoon of loose tea with 6 ounces of boiling water for 5 minutes. Add the tea to a 12 ounce glass, filled with ice, straining the leaves. Add hot tea to a 12oz/375ml acrylic glass filled with ice, straining the tea or removing the bags. Add lemon and sweeten to taste.
NUMBER OF CUPS: 15-20 cups from each 50 grams of tea, with a single use of the leaves. Loose leaf tea is traditionally infused 3 times, with a different flavor profile following each infusion. Accordingly, each 50 gram bag can make up to 60 cups of tea.